Be sure to become familiar with this information, as you will be agreeing to the terms and conditions listed below when you register.

Terms & Conditions of Service .

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Once your subscription starts, we do not offer refunds for any payments already processed. You will still have access to your package or membership until the end of the period you paid for. Exception is ongoing sickness and relocation - upon demonstrating proof - and must be requested prior to the membership or package expiring. 

​All packages and memberships clearly state duration prior to booking, in the in the packages tab. Members receive notifications upon purchasing a package or membership, as well as close to expiration date and or renewal if applicable. Once a membership, package, or First Time Drop In expires or renews, we do not offer any sort of compensation.

All cancellations or rescheduling of classes must be made at least 12 hours in advance. All cancellations or rescheduling of classes with less than 12 hours notice must be made by phone and will be dealt with only in exceptional cases.

​Camp bookings can be cancelled 14+ days prior to the associated camp start date to receive a full refund (minus processing fee automatically taken by our website engine). Any cancellations within less than 14 days from the associated camp start date are eligible to receive a refund less 50% for late cancellation. Please keep in mind that we are unable to give refunds for camps that have already begun; You can also request that the credit be transferred to a sibling, relative or friend.

In the case that a refund is granted, we will process a full refund minus processing fee, which is automatically charged by Squarespace our website engine. In the case that an extension is granted, it is a one time event, and will not be granted again for the same membership, package, or drop in deal. 

During the class in Gymness-Drop off and pickup: We kindly ask parents, guardians and caregivers to drop students off at the class and pick them up when finished, please do not stay in our facilities during the class, not only because we do not want to disturb the residents of the neighborhood, the studio is very small , but because our experience tells us that children work, perform better, are more productive, sociable, and willing to learn when they are not distracted by the presence of their parent or guardian, caregivers.

Late Pick Up Policy: While Gymness, Vivart International, LLC. makes every effort to make reasonable accommodations to the needs of everyone, please be aware of the time your child's class ends and try to be at the studio ready for pick up 5 min before the end of the class. Please consider that although at Gymness the safety of children is our priority, we do not have staff to care for them once finished of the corresponding classes.

​This policy applies for all classes.

 Safe Sport - Misconduct Prevention Policy & Procedures

As a youth-serving organization, the safety and well-being of children in our program is our top priority. We prohibit any form of misconduct and commit to promptly investigate any report of inappropriate behavior. We want to hear about problems and concerns, and we will act on them in a fair and consistent manner in accordance with our policies.

In accordance with the law, we will report suspected abuse to the proper law enforcement agencies.

Gymness is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for all student, gymnast, coaches, staff, volunteers, and parents, as well as promoting an environment that is free of misconduct. This Policy serves to provide guidance regarding misconduct for all who interact with our studio. Gymness, Vivart International, LLC has “zero tolerance” for misconduct, including inappropriate behavior and sexual misconduct. All coaches, staff, and volunteers shall abide by and adhere to all Gymness policies.

Physical Misconduct Includes but is not Limited to:

1.Any physical contact that intentionally causes bodily harm, including without limitation, forcing an athlete to train or compete when injured or requiring excessive exercise as a form of punishment.

2.Any physical contact that intentionally creates a threat of immediate bodily harm.

3.Giving alcohol or inappropriate drugs to a participant.

4.Any violation of applicable law.

Sexual Misconduct Includes but is not Limited to:

1.Any form of sexual contact or inappropriate touching, unwanted physical contact, unwelcome advances or requests for sexual favors.

2.Any form of obscene gesturing, lewd remarks or indecent exposure.

3.Any violation of applicable law involving sexual misconduct or child abuse, or that is specifically designed to protect minors.

Physical contact that is reasonably intended to coach, teach, or demonstrate a gymnastics skill or to prevent or lessen injury (e.g., spotting, catching) does NOT constitute physical/sexual abuse. Infrequent, non-intentional physical contact particularly that which arises out of error on the part of the gymnast or coach does not constitute physical/sexual misconduct.

Standards of Behavior

To promote a safe environment for Gymness, Vivart International, LLC activities and events, and to reduce the likelihood of an abusive situation, coaches, staff, and volunteers must adhere to the following Standards of Behavior.

1.Children are to be supervised at all times.

2.Gymness, Vivart International, LLC personnel will never be alone with a child; two adults (one of whom may be a parent) are required to be present at all times.

3.Out-of-program contact with athletes, such as babysitting, tutoring and ride giving, is prohibited without express written consent of the management.

4.Providing special favors or privileges to individual athletes is prohibited.

5.Lap-sitting, tickling, wrestling, and other incidents of body contact that are inconsistent with the coach-athlete relationship are prohibited.

6.Electronic and social media communications with athletes must never been done on an individual/one-on-one basis.


As the parent or guardian of the minor participant, I hereby give my approval for my child’s participation in any and all activities prepared by Gymness as Vivart International, LLC. In exchange for the acceptance of said child’s candidacy by Gymness as Vivart International, LLC, I assume all risk and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities, and release, absolve and hold Gymness as Vivart International, LLC, harmless, and all its respective staff, agents, and representatives from any and all liability for injuries to said child arising out of traveling to, participating in, or returning from the selected session. In case of injury to said child, you hereby waive all claims against Gymness as Vivart International, LLC, including all coaches and affiliates, all participants, sponsoring agencies, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event. There is a risk of being injured that is inherent in all sports activities. Some of these injuries include, but are not limited to, the risk of fractures, paralysis, or even death.

I hereby authorize the diagnosis and treatment by a qualified and licensed medical professional, of the minor child, in the event of a medical emergency, which in the opinion of the attending medical professional, requires immediate attention to prevent further further endangerment of the minor’s life, physical disfigurement, physical impairment, or other undue pain, suffering or discomfort, if delayed. Permission is hereby granted to call 911, which may include transportation via ambulance to the nearest medical facility, and you understand that in the event of an emergency, every attempt to reach you will be made but will not impede the contact of said medical professional in your absence. 

CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPH/ VIDEOTAPE: I hereby give permission for the Gymnast named below to be photographed/videotaped (with or without teammates in a picture) by Gymness, as Vivart international, LLC. I grant to Gymness, as Vivart international, LLC the right to edit, use, and reuse said media for use in print, on the internet, and all other forms of media. I also hereby release Gymness, as Vivart international, LLC and its agents and employees from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above.